SAI Platform
General Manager
Panelist at the Plenary Session 2C CROPS FOR PROCESSING
Wednesday, 28 September, 11:0 – 12:00 p.m.
Peter-Erik Ywema is an analytical chemist by education and holds an MBA in strategic sustainability consultancy. He has been educated in fine arts, too, and sources inspiration in many forms of art. He has been a consultant, researcher and manager since 1990, focusing on the implementation of pragmatic sustainability concepts in companies and policy for governmental institutions. In the early nineties, he was amongst the researchers that developed life cycle assessment as tool to better understand real and significant environmental impacts.
He has founded two consultancies, Core Management and Quintens, both based on the conviction that the only sustainable businesses will last and be profitable. Companies with sustainability in their DNA have people, planet, and profit as equal elements of their core business.
Peter-Erik has gathered experience from his work for dozens of companies, intermediate organisations, governments, and NGOs.
Since 2007, he is the general manager of the SAI Platform, the global food and drink industry initiative for sustainable agriculture. Since that time, the Platform has grown from 17 to over 80 members. SAI Platform’s members, ranging from companies, brands, processors, and retailers to traders and farmer organisations, work jointly towards a more sustainable agriculture. The Platform develops and shares a unique collective knowledge and tools for any company in the food value chain, wishing to promote and implement sustainable agriculture practices.
When designing any system for sustainable improvement, apply it to yourself first and ask ‘would it make me do better or be happier?’ If not, look, listen, be more creative and smarter it before you roll it out.