Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture
Managing Director Farmforce
Speaker at the Breakout Session 1B CAPACITY BUILDING & G.A.P.
Wednesday, 27 September, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Miodrag is an experienced business leader passionate about managing and developing global organisations that assist businesses to profitably provide safe and sustainably produced food via efficient supply chains. Before founding the European Traceability Institute, where he was a trusted advisor to businesses, solution providers and governments, Miodrag served as Vice-President with solution providers Trace Register, China Trace, and Trace Tracker – where his team was awarded the 2009 Technology Pioneer title by the World Economic Forum. He was elected Vice-Chairman of the GLOBALG.A.P. Chain of Custody Committee and appointed by the European Commission to the DG SANCO Expert Group on Product Traceability. Previously, Miodrag was the worldwide head of industry engagement and solutions at the GS1 Global Office, where he had a leading management role in the creation, promotion and implementation of supply chain and e-business solutions and standards. Miodrag was the chief GS1 representative in numerous industry and intergovernmental organizations, including the Global Food Safety Initiative, GLOBALG.A.P., United Nations Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards and World Customs Organization. Miodrag had also served on the board of the International Federation for Produce Coding and EUREPGAP Council.
The future of GLOBALG.A.P. is digital. Technology can lower the cost of certification and improve the uniformity and integrity of audits worldwide.