Luis Fernando


Peixes da Amazônia S.A .

Board Member

Panelist at the Breakout Session 1A INNOVATIONS IN AQUACULTURE
Wednesday, 28 September, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.

LUIS FERNANDO LARANJA DA FONSECA is a board member of  da Peixes da Amazônia S.A. He graduated in DVM – Veterinary Medicine – Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul/ Brazil; M.Sc.– Agronomy – Federal University of São Paulo/ Brazil; Ph.D.– Veterinary Medicine – Federal University of Sao Paulo/ Brazil; Post-Doc – Animal Science – University of Kentucky/ USA; Visiting Researcher – Cornell University/ USA; Graduate Agribusiness Management – Federal University of Lavras-Minas Gerais/ Brazil.

As a member of the company’s Board, Mr. Fernando has participated in the development of the aquaculture chain project in Acre in Brazil. Peixes da Amazônia S.A. was created in 2011 and aims to develop and produce Amazon regional fish species for local and international consumption.

It is expected that a fully structured aquaculture supply chain will have a significant contribution to reduce deforestation rates in Acre since fish farming is highly concentrated in terms of area footprint, requires no further deforestation to be implemented, and provides a significant income, especially for smallholder farmers.