VBT, The Association of Belgian Horticultural Cooperatives, Board Member
BelÒrta, Vice-Chairman of the Board
GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS GmbH, Chairman of the Board – Supplier/Crops Representative
Tuesday, 27 September, 12:45 – 1:30 p.m.
Panelist at the CLOSING SESSION
Wednesday, 28 September, 4:30 – 5:00 p.m.
When the GLOBALG.A.P. Board appointed Guy Callebaut as Chairman in 2013, he became the first producer ever to chair this global partnership between retailers and suppliers. As an active producer of pears and apples, Guy Callebaut is responsible for the general and day-to-day management of the farm and hence very much aware of the daily struggle to deliver safe and high quality products in a cost efficient way.
As Vice-Chairman of the Board of the producers’ cooperative BelÒrta, he coordinates the overall strategy of cooperative marketing at the benefit of all producer members. Guy Callebaut was involved in the introduction and promotion of integrated pest management (IPM), which resulted in the inclusion of IPM in both the national and European legislation as well as in the GLOBALG.A.P. Standard.
On a regular base, Guy conducts volunteer missions in Central Africa to assist agricultural cooperatives in the introduction of international production standards.