
GLOBALG.A.P. has two good reasons to celebrate in 2016 and we are inviting all our members to celebrate with us at SUMMIT 2016 in Amsterdam.

The GLOBALG.A.P. SUMMIT fosters dialogue among global community members. Taking place every two years, the conference is the perfect setting to discuss the latest developments in food safety and sustainability as well as Good Agriculture and Aquaculture Practices and the future of the industry.

SUMMIT 2016 in Amsterdam is a GLOBALG.A.P. member Celebration. We will gather the entire GLOBALG.A.P. member Community to look back at our joint achievements, explore the future of our vision and mission of farm assurance certification, and be part of a large-scale stakeholder campaign to communicate both their and our major achievements on this journey.

Join us and let’s celebrate together!

Board Member Statements


“The summit has always been based on two very important pillars: it’s the GLOBALG.A.P. Family meeting and having open and engaging discussions about the past, present and future of farm assurance. It’s also an excellent opportunity to meet people from different cultures and learn from each other. Connecting with others from within and outside the industry broadens our vision to the issues facing us in the future. That way, we can better prepare to address them. And that’s a good thing for our GLOBALG.A.P. Members and the entire industry!”

Bert Urlings, Board MemberSupplier Representative (Livestock)


“Conferences like the GLOBALG.A.P. SUMMIT are important because they bring together many people of different cultures, views, and living conditions all seeking to generate business in and around the agriculture industry. The SUMMIT enables us to share time face-to-face, to network with the rest of the GLOBALG.A.P. Community, and perhaps create exciting contexts for collaboration. GLOBALG.A.P. grows on the input of its outstanding community and taking part in the GLOBALG.A.P. SUMMIT is playing an active role in shaping the future of farm assurance. Become part of it and join us in Amsterdam as a GLOBALG.A.P. Member!”

Mari Carmen, Board Member, Supplier Representative (Crops)


“Farm assurance has become mainstream, making it all
the more important to expand our reach to all areas
where food is produced and to include everyone involved in the production of food worldwide. This is our greatest challenge in the coming years. The SUMMIT is where the GLOBALG.A.P. Member Community comes together to share experiences, brainstorm ideas, and create ways of working together to find viable and innovative solutions.”

Leon Mol, Board Member, Retailer Representative